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Maternity Hospital in Indiranagar | The Life+ Hospital

Maternity is something that every girl dreams of. It’s the state of being a mother.  However, it is of utmost crucial to take proper medication before, during, and after delivery of the baby. There are certain complications, treatment, and medicines must go on during the period of pregnancy, and even after it..

Although the majority of pregnancy cases are uneventful, sometimes complications occur. Here we are going to discuss some of the common pregnancy complications.

It can range from mild and annoying discomforts like headaches, vomiting, nausea, or mood swing to severe ones, sometimes, life-threatening. But always keep in mind, there are ways to manage problems that arise during pregnancy. Thus, it is essential to keep in touch with your prenatal care provider, or a good gynecologist if you feel any concerns during pregnancy.

Anemia is having less count of healthy red blood cells in the body. Treating it early can restore the numbers. The pregnant women having anemia may feel tired and weak. So, doctors prescribe iron and folic acid supplements to the women who are found deficiency in iron level and red blood cells.

Amniotic fluid is the protective liquid in the amniotic sac that serves as a cushion for the growing fetus. But too much or too less amniotic fluid in the sac can be a serious problem with the pregnancy. Too much fluid means too much pressure on the mother’s uterus, and can lead to preterm labor. Other complications like the mother may feel breathing difficulties, and pressure on her diaphragm. And, the reasons behind too much fluid are uncontrolled diabetes, previous birth defects, multiple pregnancies, or incompatible blood types.

Same way, too little fluid is also not a good sign of the pregnancy. Signs like birth defects, growth retardation or stillbirth can be assumed when a woman has too less fluid in her amniotic sac.

Bleeding during pregnancy may indicate placental complications, vaginal or cervical infections, or preterm labor. Bleeding at any time during pregnancy should be reported to your gynecologist promptly. Women who face bleeding in late pregnancy can be at greater risk of losing the fetus.

Ectopic pregnancy refers to the development of the fetus outside of the uterus. It sounds strange and horrifying, right! Well, it is. It happens in the fallopian tubes, cervical canal, or the pelvic or belly. When a woman suffers from any infection or disease due to scar tissue in the fallopian tube, it leads to ectopic pregnancy. It can be diagnosed through ultrasound and blood tests. Ectopic pregnancy can be treated by medicines or surgical removal of the fetus.

Placental complications are usually two types: placenta abruption, and placenta previa.

Sometimes the placenta becomes detached from the uterine wall which is known as placental abruption. It can lead to bleeding and less oxygen and nutrients to the fetus. The case of placental abruption is often unknown, 1 in every 100 live births can be a case of placental abruption. It can be diagnosed in women who smoke, have high blood pressure, or have multiple pregnancies. Diagnosis is confirmed by doing complete physical tests and an ultrasound.

In a pregnant woman’s body, the placenta is located in the upper part of the uterus. In Placenta Previa’s condition, the placenta is attached close to the cervix or covering over it. This is rarest of the rare condition which can be found in women who have scarring of the uterus from previous pregnancies, having fibroids or other complications in the uterus. In this case, the baby is delivered by C-section to keep the placenta from detaching early and saving the baby from lack of oxygen during delivery.

Eclampsia is the more dangerous for preeclampsia, where the complication may lead to seizures, coma, or even death. Other risks factors include:

  • Multiple fetuses
  • Woman with high blood pressure, diabetes or any kidney disease before she became pregnant
  • Obese mother whose BMI is above 30
  • Teenage mother
  • Woman older than 40

Symptoms may include swelling of the hands and face, high BP, blurred vision, belly pain, decreased urine output, dizziness or irritability. Treatment in such condition includes close monitoring of both the fetus and the mother, bed rest, medicine to lower BP level, and hospitalization.

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At Life plus hospital we offer a comprehensive range of women health services. The Department is managed by highly experienced lady gynaecological doctors who offer specialized attention and compassionate care for women

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